Wednesday, 13 April 2016

whistle blower

The objectives of an internal whistleblowing program are
  • To encourage employees to bring ethical and legal violations they are aware of to an internal authority so that action can be taken immediately to resolve the problem
  • To minimize the organization's exposure to the damage that can occur when employees circumvent internal mechanisms
  • To let employees know the organization is serious about adherence to codes of conduct
The barriers to a successful internal whistleblowing program are
  • A lack of trust in the internal system
  • Unwillingness of employees to be "snitches"
  • Misguided union solidarity
  • Belief that management is not held to the same standard
  • Fear of retaliation
  • Fear of alienation from peers

 many people see the whistleblower as a "snitch," or a "a lowlife who betrays a sacred trust largely for personal gain."
This attitude was illustrated by an arbitrator in a 1972 case, who told the employee that you cannot "bite the hand that feeds you and insist on staying on for the banquet." Among others, Peter Drucker, the famed management guru and anti-whistleblower, viewed whistleblowing as "informing," illustrating yet another instance of the animus whistleblowers have to expect from advocates of loyalty to the organization first.
On the flip side, whistleblowers such as Frank Serpico and Karen Silkwood are seen as "saviors" who ultimately helped create important changes in organizations. This approach to whistleblowers as guardians of public accountability is often taken by consumer advocates such as Ralph Nader.
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It is ETHICAL as well as DUTY of a government to provide protection to whistleblowers. By whistleblower’s protection act countries including India is doing so.

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